Friday, July 10, 2015

Top 5 Travel Destinations

I love to travel. I have only done a few big travels in my life but I love travel. Even something as small as going to the city I find exciting. One day I hope to be able to travel the world because I really want to go see what other cultures are like and just go explore the world. So these are the top 5 places I would like to visit!

1. Ireland

Now I have already been to Ireland in the summer of 2011. My grandparents took me when they went to go visit family and I fell in love. I honestly did not want to leave, I love everything about it. The rolling green "mountains" (they are hills), the old buildings, the culture, the potatoes. I 100% do want to go back to Ireland.

2. Greece

My dad went to Greece when he was 18 and he said it was one of the best things he has done in his life. I love ancient Greek culture and myths and again the old buildings. And that ocean though. Oh man the pictures I see of Greece just make me want to jump on a plane and go now.

3. London

Yes I know this isn't very original but I REALLY want to go to London. I want to travel all of Europe really but I'm narrowing it down for the sake of this list. I would really like to see Big Ben and the London Eye and just do all the touristy London stuff because I am SUPER original.

4. Australia

My brother, my mum and my grandma went to Australia in 2012 I believe to visit my grandma's sister and they had the best time. They came back with so many fun stories like the boat ride to this island they were staying at, and biking around it in the rain and the hole my brother dug at the beach just because he could. And of course the weather. Who wouldn't want to be
somewhere that nice? P.S this is a photo my mum took! Isn't it nice?

4. Italy

Italy is another place I would like to visit because I like the ancient culture. The Colosseum, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, I want to see it all. I also love Italian food so really it's a win win situation.

5. New York City

I know, I know, New York, classic. But hear me out, New York is the top of the line as far as performing goes and I am a performer and to be able to see a Broadway production or see a professional musician play live on stage would honestly be the best thing for me to see. And I know I can see that everywhere but it's different when it's New York. It's the city that never sleeps and I want to be there. And sing New York, New York in Times Square because that is the type of person I am.

There you have it! That is top 5 destinations I would like to visit and hopefully one day I will get to visit them and many more! I am going to be going on a trip to California with some friends for a YouTube convention called Vidcon so I will definitely be blogging about that and hopefully there are more adventures in my future!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Whiplash Review

Promising young drummer, Andrew Neeman enrolls in the most cut throat music program in the country where he begins his road to being a jazz drummer. Along the way he meets instructor Terance Fletcher who will stop at nothing to turn his students into the next Charlie Parker.
I didn't know anything about Whiplash when I watched it, a friend recommended it to me by saying, "it's about band!" So obviously I had to watch it. And oh my goodness am I ever glad I did. Just because this movie is about music and musicians doesn't mean it is focused to musicians. I think anyone who has a drive in life can relate to this movie. It touches on drive and addiction and it does a damn good job at it.
I think watching this as a musician gave me a bit of a different perspective on it versus someone who isn't a musician. In the movie the protagonist practices until his hands bleed to impress his instructor and I relate to that. I relate so hard to practicing my butt off to impress someone, especially in music. But the great thing about this movie is you don't have to be a musician to get that. You can be anyone.
Another thing that was great about this movie were the characters. Both the protagonist and the antagonist have their flaws and their attributes and you don't really know who is good and who is bad. They are real people, good and bad. The character played by J.K Simmons is a total jerk, but there are times in the movie where you like him and it's weird because you want to hate him but you can't help but like him. It's a very strange feeling.
There is a scene in the movie where Andrew Neeman and Terance Fletcher are talking about Fletcher's rough teaching method and how he did it to inspire the next generation of Charlie Parker's and Louis Armstrong's. He said that Charlie Parker only came to be who he was because a cymbal was thrown at his head because he messed up a solo which only pushed him to work harder and to prove himself. Neeman then asks Fletcher, is there a line that is crossed in this method? And Fletcher replies with no, because Charlie Parker and Louis Armstrong would never give up or be intimidated. And that my friends, is my favourite line in the movie. In order to be one of the greats, you need to work for it and you need people to be honest. You are not going to be the best by having everyone tell you, oh it was good and not improving. I think that is something to take away from this movie. You always need someone in your life who is going to be brutally honest with you and if you can't take that honestly, maybe you aren't cut out for what you want to do.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Has love lost it's meaning?

I've been thinking a lot recently about the word love. I think that it has lost it's meaning and is being used too casually now. Back when our parents and grandparents were young the word love was used for your family members and for someone you care about. It was a powerful word that means a lot of a lot of people. But I think that it has lost it's power in this day and age.

Couples now are saying love two days into dating. Some couples as young as 12 or 13 who are "dating" aka holding hands in the hallway are saying that they love each other and they barely know each other. I know people who say "love you!" to their boyfriends and girlfriends just so casually like it means nothing and that makes me sad.

I am the type of person who will not say I Love You to someone unless I mean it because it isn't something you can take back. I don't think you can be in love with someone a week into dating. You can lust them, but that is something very different. I think you really need to know someone on a different level to REALLY love them. And not like a friend saying love you or you mom saying love you. I mean like a deep, infatuating love. You don't just love this person, you are IN love with this person.

I think saying I love you and I'm in love with you mean two different things. I think saying I love you is saying I trust you, I like every part of you, you're great. But saying I am in love with you is like saying every part of your body loves every single thing about them. That you are just overcome with so much feeling and you are absolutely infatuated with them.

It makes me sad that the word love is used so casually and loosely and has lost it's meaning. I mean it still has meaning to me but a lot of people, especially young people, really just don't get it. And that makes me sad.